an optimistic future awaits, akin to a flower blooming on the precipice.

welcome to my frutiger aero dreams. i created this site in order to be my personal corner of the internet, along with a record of my journey through HTML and a database of what I have created.

if you want, you can take a break here. the beach will be here forever.

who and why?

hey! i'm an 18 year old aspiring chef who decided to dabble into a little bit of HTML.

HTML has always been an interesting hobby of mine and I decided to pursue it on December 1st, 2023.

i'm a very average person who loves animanga, cooking, video games, music, and skating. my interests are scattered around the site as a record of what I have or was interested in.

i hope you find this beach relaxing, as it'll be here forever.

slaid's beach, 2023 - end of Frutiger Aero