hey! this is a library of the video games that i have enjoyed throughout my life. my taste goes more towards the action or rpg demographic, but there's a lot of horror or adventure i also very much enjoy. there's always something if you keep on looking.
"thank you for taking the time to read this sign. this sign loves you."my favorite video game of all time. it's the only game that's ever made me cry even once, and i have to give it full respect for that. the story is heartcrushing, the ending literally rips you apart, and the battle system is fun and engaging with the rhythm mechanic. the settings are awe-aspiring and the bosses are fun to fight. there's just simply nothing else that can compete in my mind, and that's alright with me. the music behind the game is also awesome and to this day i will never give up screaming from the rooftops that mother 3 is the best game ever made.
it's a great game with themes about finding yourself and understanding that not everything can be yours. the gameplay is immensely fun and makes for an awesome time, along with the great ost, character interactions, and eventually also heartcrushing story. roxas' story to this day still makes me emotional. the gameplay is also a ton of fun with a bunch of exploits and fun tricks to consistently do, and the drive gauge is one of the coolest things they've ever added. such a good game and a must-play if you love stories with fun gameplay.
i actually don't like soulslike games that much. they're too frusturating and too unforgiving for me. BUT one day i started playing sekiro and it's one of the most fun and intriguging games i've ever played in my entire life. the gameplay is literally prime and i genuinely think there's little that surpasses it. mastering how to dodge, how to attack, how to parry, how to deflect is one of the best feelings since you eventually get a "click" within your mind that makes you start playing like a god. the story is nothing too special but the gameplay is just too fun to ignore. deserved its GOTY.
this is the best co-op game ever made and i genuinely mean that. not trying to be biased because mortal kombat is one of my favorite franchises but this is one of the most fun and rich co-op games i've ever played in my entire life. the amount of shenanigans you can do within this game and how fun the progression is makes for a very fun time. you don't need to know much about mortal kombat to play this game, if at all. just grab a friend and play through this game. it's SO peak
the sprites from this game reside in my restless dreams. they're so nostalgic and upon playing this game for the first time i absolutely adored it. the choice between X and Zero between whoever you want to play is a great choice (i picked zero) and the game feels like a prime encapsulation of what the X series is about. the powers are immensely fun to play, the bosses are a difficult challenge with some interesting gimmicks to them, and the stages are some of the most beautifully crafted in all of megaman.
what an incredibly fun game honestly. the game feels great in both combat and story, the vibe is managed immensely well, and it just feels nice to control. learning the entire game and using everything in your arsenal to take down enemies just feels really nice, and it helps that the game keeps up this high quality throughout the entire game. not a single dull moment in this game, with expanded characters over the original and some new highlights. slightly miss how funny the OG was though
the game i've always wanted out of pokemon - and they deliver it almost perfectly. being able to roam old, open areas while catching and dueling pokemon is so incredibly fun. the gameplay mechanics of agile and strong style really help to make this game stand out from other pokemon games, meanwhile the focus on pokedex completion and research also helps it come into its own. the twist at the end of the game is crazy and i cannot wait for pokemon legends z-a to come out. one of my favorites
coming straight out of Midway going bankrupt after MK vs DC, this game serves to be a soft reboot of Mortal Kombat as a whole. and it does that job perfectly. the story is amazing especially if you're a first-time fan of mortal kombat, the gameplay is incredible and feels unique from any other fighting game, the modes in the game are varied and interesting (tag team mode is one of my favorite additions ever in any MK game), and the roster and stage selections are the best in the series. maybe one of my favorite childhood games
i played the original a LONG time back when i was still pretty young - so when this remake came out i was sorta interested. after playing through the entire remake, i can't wait to play this game again when i feel in the mood to. the vibe is perfectly executed, the weapons are super interesting and unique, and the situations you get into are some of the most fun i've ever had in a survival horror game. love this game to death and while it's unlikely, desperately hoping for a second game to be made.
played this one just a few months ago and loved it. it's my favorite indie of all time and deservedly so - the taopunk aesthetic of the game really resonates with you and the soundtrack is beautiful. the gameplay is a mix of hollow knight and sekiro parries which makes it immensely fun to learn and interact with - and the game really feels like one of the most interesting indies to come out in a while. ALMOST made me cry. the characters are just so interesting and i can't wait for any potential DLC.
JUST 100% this game like a few weeks of making this review, but it's so incredibly fun. fast-paced 3D hotline miami where you're a retired government agent trying to be roped into one last job that turns into a guerilla war. the action and feel of this game gets my blood pumping and the soundtrack really hits home with what you wanna hear. the graphics are very comic-styled which blends into a nice tone, and the story itself really isn't too bad. great indie and a great game in general.
this game BANGS so hard. being able to climb giant monolith creatures and defeat them genuinely is one of the most interesting feelings in gaming. never knew how much I wanted to play a game like this until i did, and it helps so much that the game is just so good. the graphics feel grey and brooding - which is a perfect representation of the theme for the game, and the twist at the end of the game completes the game perfectly. literally one of the best games i've ever played in my life and i hope the new team ico game pops off just as hard.
one of the most underrated spider-man games ever made. a genuinely beautiful game that still grpahically holds up to this day, and the fact you get to play as spider-man and venom makes the game a whole lot more fun. the skillful swinging throughout the city, the fun boss fights based off the Ultimate universe, and the interesting mechanics in the gameplay make this a real fun must-play for any spider-man fans. genuinely one of the best ones that never gets talked about.